Monday 5 October 2015

Music Video Inspirations - Miss Miller

When carrying out my primary research I have come across several music videos that have inspired ideas for my own. The first is Style by Taylor Swift. What inspired me about this video is the editing techniques used as the whole video itself is very simple and may be boring without the editing. However, including th effects that the video did, it became more interesting and would engage an audience. Each editing technique alsi holds a lot of connotations which I could replicate inn my own work such as layering clouds over the artit which suggest she has an unclear 'cloudy' mind.

The second inspiration that I have chosen is 'Boy' by Nina Nesbitt. This video has inspired me in terms of narrative and mise-en-scene. The narrative is similar to my chosen song as the subject of both is about memories of a past relationship do it was useful to see how an artist in my chosen genre decided to portray this theme. In terms of mise-en-scene, the iconography inspired me. I liked he idea of having a box of memories which is something I have interpreted into my own music video.

'Please Don't Say You Love Me' is another song by my chosen artist and it includes a variety of camera techniques that all have different purposes and work well in achieving them (close-up, mid shot, over the shoulder shot). I will try to include most of these in mind in order to keep my music video varied and interesting. 

I have chosen to create a song in the indie genre and want to create a song with a theme of relationships as it is conventional and easy to create a narrative to. Artists that sing about relationships in the indie genre  Ed Sheeran, Nina Nesbitt and Gabrielle Aplin. I will choose to use a female artist as my actor will most likely be female. I am more likely to choose Gabrielle APlin as she has a song that is conventional to its genre and based pon the theme of memories and relationsips called 'Panic Chord.'

1 comment:

  1. This is a minimal analysis of your music video inspirations as you have simply stated what you have identified, but provided no analysis of what this creates or hoe you might incorporate this in your work and why.

    You need to:
    1) Include an intro about the importance of inspirations etc.
    2) Make sure for each example you state specifically what you have found inspirational and why
    2) Explain how you will incorporate each inspiration into your music video, with an analysis of what this creates for the audience and how it is conventional or not of the indie genre
    3) Include an example of artist rep, camera, editing, MES and style of video
    4) Include all music videos/screen shots
    5) Elaborate on conclusion by stating how using inspirations from music videos will hopefully help your group produce a more successful product.
